Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Highways: Roads are classified into departmental (D), national (N), and autoroutes
and important D routes (red lines) are the fastest after autoroutes (orange lines on maps).
Green road signs are for national routes; blue are for autoroutes. Note that some key roads
in France are undergoing letter designation and number changes (mostly N roads convert-
ing to D roads). If you are using an older map, the actual route name may differ from
what's on your map. Navigate by destination rather than road name...or buy a new map.
There are plenty of good facilities, gas stations (most closed Sun), and rest stops along
most French roads.
Parking: Findingaparkingplacecanbeaheadacheinlargercities.Askyourhotelier
for ideas, and pay to park at well-patrolled lots (blue P signs direct you to parking lots
in French cities). Parking structures usually require that you take a ticket with you and
pay at a machine (called a caisse ) on your way back to the car. US credit cards prob-
ably won't work in these automated machines but euro coins (and sometimes bills) will.
Overnight parking in lots (usually 19:00-8:00) is generally reasonable, except in Paris and
Nice. Curbside metered parking also works (usually free 12:00-14:00 & 19:00-9:00, and
all day and night in Aug). Look for a small machine selling time (called horadateur, usu-
ally one per block), plug in a few coins (€1.50 buys about an hour, varies by city), push
the button, get a receipt showing the amount of time you have, and display it inside your
windshield. For cheap overnight parking until the next afternoon, buy three hours' worth
of time after 19:00. This gets you until noon the next day, after which two more hours are
usually free (12:00-14:00), so you're good until 14:00.
Road Signs and Driving Tips
Instructional Signs That You Must Obey
Cédez le Passage
Priorité à Droite
Right-of-way is for cars
Vous n'avez pas la priorité
You don't have the right of way (when merging)
Remember to obey the sign
Allumez vos feux
Turn on your lights
Doublage Interdit
No passing
Parking Interdit/Stationnement Interdit
No parking
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