Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
• Some longer trains split cars en route. Make sure your train car is continuing to
your destination by asking, for example, “Cette voiture va à Bayeux?” (seht vwah-tewr
Marseille to Arles that split off some cars along the way—which wasn't mentioned when
I asked the conductor if this train went to Arles.
•Ifanon-TGV train seat is reserved, it'll likely belabeled réservé, with the cities to
and from which it is reserved.
• If you don't understand an announcement, ask your neighbor to explain: “Pardon
madame/monsieur, qu'est-ce qui se passe?” (kehs kee suh pahs; meaning, “Excuse me,
what's going on?”).
• Verify with the conductor all of the transfers you must make: “Correspondance
à?”; meaning, “Transfer to where?”
• To guard against theft, keep your bags in sight (directly overhead is ideal but not
always possible—the early boarder gets the best storage space). If you must store them in
the lower racks by the doors (available in most cars), pay attention at stops. Your bags are
most vulnerable to theft before the train takes off and whenever it stops.
• Note your arrival time, so you'll be ready to get off.
• Use the trains' free WCs before you get off.
Regional Buses
You can get nearly anywhere in France by rail and bus...if you're well organized, patient,
and not in a hurry. Review my bus schedule information, and verify times at the local TI
or bus station. Regional buses work well for many destinations not served by trains. Buses
are almost always comfortable and air-conditioned.
A few bus lines are run by SNCF (France's rail system) and are included with your
railpass (show railpass at station to get free bus ticket), but most bus lines are independent
of the rail system and are not covered by railpasses. Bus stations (gare routière) are usu-
ally located next to train stations. Train stations usually have bus information where train-
to-bus connections are important—and vice versa for bus companies. On Sunday, regional
bus service virtually disappears.
Bus Tips
• Read the train tips described earlier, and use those that apply (check schedules in ad-
vance, arrive at the station early, confirm the destination before you board, find out if you
need to transfer, etc.).
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