Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Vézelay (take a break to visit its basilica), Clamecy, Entrains-sur-Nohain, St-Amand-en-
Puisaye, and finally Guédelon. The castle is inaccessible by public transport.
Visiting the Castle: Theprojectisthedreamoftwoindividualswhowantedtobuild
a medieval castle (this one is based on plans drafted in 1228). Started in 1997, it will ulti-
mately include four towers surrounding a central courtyard with a bridge and a moat (im-
ages of the finished castle are on postcards and in books in the gift shop). The goal of this
exciting project is to give visitors a better appreciation of medieval construction, and for
plete for another 11-14 years, so you still have time to watch the process. When the castle
is done, the ambitious owners plan to build a medieval mill and maybe an abbey.
as if it were 800 years ago. Human-powered hamster wheels carefully hoist 440 pounds of
stone up tower walls (the largest tower will reach six stories when completed). Carpenters
whack away at massive beams, creating supports for stone arches, while weavers demon-
strate how clothing was made (a sheep's pen provides raw materials). Thirteen worksta-
tions help visitors learn about castle construction, from medieval rope-making to black-
smithing. Asktheworkersquestions—some speakEnglish,andtheirjobistoansweryour
questions as best they can. If it's been raining, be prepared for mud—you are, after all, in
a construction site.
Kids can't get enough of Guédelon. It's a favorite for local school field trips, so ex-
pect lots of children. And if you can't get enough, there's a program for those wanting to
join the workers and help (one-week minimum, check the website).
Sleeping near Guédelon: Guédelon is remote. If you need to sleep nearby, try $$
Hôtel Les Grands Chênes, where British Rachael and French Alain have restored a
pretty manor home among trees, lakes, and waves of grass (Db-€90, Tb-€100, Qb-€115,
5 persons-€135, Wi-Fi, on D-18 between St-Fargeau and St-Amand-en-Puisaye, tel. 03 86
74 04 05, , ).
Nestled between rolling vineyards and thick forests in the geographical center of France,
thentic cities. Here you'll uncover a wonderful collection of medieval houses, a Gothic
cathedral to rival any you've seen, and a down-to-earth, Midwest-like friendliness. Situ-
ated three hours due south of Paris, two hours west of Beaune, and 1.5 hours east of Am-
gundy and the Loire.
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