Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Tourist Information: The TI is across from Hôtel Côte d'Or, at Semur's medieval
entry (2 Place Gaveau, tel. 03 80 97 05 96, ). Pick up their city-
walking brochure, information on regional sights, and bike-rental information and sugges-
ted routes (hilly terrain).
Sights in Semur-en-Auxois
Connect the following sights (and see everything of importance in Semur) with a short
stroll. Begin at the TI, then stop under the Sauvigny gate.
Sauvigny and Guiller Gates
These connected gates provided safe entry to Semur in the Middle Ages. Look up at the
Sauvigny gate and see the indentations for posts that held a drawbridge in place, then find
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