Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Sights in Alise Ste-Reine
MuséoParc Alésia
This circular museum, looking like a modern sports arena, does this important site justice
with easy-to-follow exhibits and well-delivered information. The circular structure sym-
bolizes how, more than 2,000 years ago, Caesar had the Gauls' oppidum (hilltop village)
surrounded, allowing his forces to starve out the Gauls and win a decisive victory in spite
of being vastly outnumbered (see sidebar). With the help of a handy audioguide, touch-
screens, and posted information, you'll gain a keen understanding of the events that led up
to this battle, why it happened here, and how it unfolded. You'll learn much about the two
protagonists, Caesar and Vercingétorix, their armies, and their motivations, and be drawn
into the conflict with a (dramatized) 18-minute film.
Allow an hour for the museum's single floor of exhibits, then climb to the top floor
struction of a section of the Roman wall and lookouts that pinned the Gauls to that hilltop.
Friendly staff dressed as Romans or Gauls are often present inside or out back to an-
swer your questions and give demonstrations (some English spoken). Pick up the chain-
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