Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
WCs and a reasonable café (aquarium-€14, kids-€7, €19 combo-ticket includes Prince's
Palace and Napoleon Collection; daily July-Aug 10:00-19:30, April-June and Sept
10:00-19:00, Oct-March 10:00-18:00; down the steps from Monaco-Ville bus stop, at the
opposite end of Monaco-Ville from the palace; tel. 00-377/93 15 36 00, ) .
• The red-brick steps, across from the aquarium and a bit to the right, lead up to stops for
buses #1 and #2, both of which run to the port, the casino, and the train station. To walk
back to the palace and through the old city, turn left at the top of the brick steps. For a
brief movie break, as you leave the aquarium, take the escalator to the right and drop into
the parking garage, then take the elevator down and find the...
Monte Carlo Story: This informative 35-minute film gives an entertaining and in-
formative account of Monaco's fairy-tale history, from fishing village to jet-set principal-
ity, and offers a comfortable, soft-chair break from all that walking. The last part of the
film was added to the original version after the death of Prince Rainier, which is why
your sound stops early (€8, headphone commentary in English; daily showings usually at
14:00, 15:00, 16:00, and 17:00; there may be a morning showing for groups that you can
join—ask, tel. 00-377/93 25 32 33).
Sights in Monaco
Above Monaco-Ville
Jardin Exotique
France to Italy. It's a fascinating home to more than a thousand species of cacti (some gi-
ant) and other succulent plants, but probably worth the entry only for view-loving botan-
natural cave and an anthropological museum, as well as a not-to-be-missed view snack
bar/café. Bus #2 runs here from any stop in Monaco, and makes a worthwhile mini tour
of the country, even if you don't visit the gardens. You can get similar views over Monaco
cross the street and hike toward La Turbie.
Cost and Hours: €7.20, €10 combo-ticket with New National Museum of Monaco,
daily May-Sept 9:00-19:00, Oct-April 9:00-18:00 or until dusk, tel. 00-377/93 15 29 80, .
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