Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Using the Métro System: To get to your destination, determine the closest “Mo”
stop and which line or lines will get you there. The lines are color-coded and numbered,
west end, and Vincennes on its east end. Once in the Métro station, you'll see the color-
coded line numbers and/or blue-and-white signs directing you to the train going in your
direction (e.g., direction: LaDéfense ).Insertyourticket intheautomatic turnstile, reclaim
your ticket, pass through, and keep it until you exit the system (some stations require you
to pass your ticket through a turnstile to exit). The smallest stations are unstaffed and have
ticket machines (coins are essential). Be warned that fare inspectors regularly check for
Bepreparedtowalksignificant distances withinMétrostations(especially whenyou
transfer). Transfers are free and can be made wherever lines cross, provided you do so
next train, or find orange correspondance (connection) signs that lead to your next line.
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