Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
This sturdy market town—literally, “Island on the Sorgue River”—sits within a split in its
crisp, happy little river. It's a workaday town, with a gritty charm that feels refreshingly
real after so many adorable villages. It's also one of the only smaller towns in this region
accessible by train and bus.
In Isle-sur-la-Sorgue—called the “Venice of Provence”—the Sorgue River's ex-
traordinarily clear andshallowflowdivideslikecells, producingwater,watereverywhere.
economy—every other shop seems to sell some kind of antique. Although Isle-sur-la-
Mondays.Navigate bythetown'ssplintered streams andninemossy waterwheels ,which,
while still turning, power only memories of the town's wool and silk industries. At its
on as Provence's cloth-dyeing and textile center. Find Le Bassin, where the Sorgue River
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