Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
As you're tracking down addresses, these words and pronunciations will help: Métro
(may-troh), place (plahs; square), rue (roo; road), avenue (ah-vuh-noo), boulevard (boo-
luh-var), and pont (pohn; bridge).
Tourist Information
Paris' TIs can provide useful information but may have long lines. They offer free city
mapsand,forthosewhoask,the ParisforYou! mini-guideandthe ParisGourmand book-
let with restaurant suggestions. TIs also sell individual tickets to sights (see “Avoiding
Lines with Advance Tickets” on here ) , as well as Paris Museum Passes (see here ) .
Paris has several TI locations, including Pyramides (daily May-Oct 9:00-19:00,
Nov-April10:00-19:00,atPyramidesMétrostopbetweentheLouvreandOpéra), Gare du
Nord (daily 8:00-18:00), and two in Montmartre (21 Place du Tertre, daily 10:00-18:00,
covers Montmartre sights only, no Museum Passes sold, tel. 01 42 62 21 21; and at the
Anvers Métro stop, full-service office, daily 10:00-18:00). In summer, TI kiosks may pop
TIs is .
Both airports have handy TIs with long hours and short lines (see here ) .
Pariscope: The weekly €0.50 Pariscope magazine (or one of its clones, available at
any newsstand) lists museum hours, art exhibits, concerts, festivals, plays, movies, and
nightclubs. Smart sightseers rely on this for the latest listings.
Other Publications: L'OfficieldesSpectacles (€0.50),whichissimilarto Pariscope,
also lists goings-on around town (in French). The Paris Voice , with snappy English-
language reviews of concerts, plays, and current events, is available online only at . For a schedule of museum hours and English museum tours, get the
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