Game Development Reference
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mana An expendable resource of magical power consumed by casting magic
spells. The word is of Polynesian origin, although in that context its meaning is
considerably more complex.
market-driven game A game whose features are included simply because they are
known to appeal to a given market, whether or not those features are consistent
with the game's real premise.
mini-map A small, dynamically updated map of a game world , usually displayed
in the corner of the screen in the primary gameplay mode , for quick reference. Also
sometimes called a radar screen.
mixed reality See augmented reality .
model sheet A sheet of paper containing a large number of drawings of a single
character showing a number of different poses and facial expressions.
mods Player-created modifications to a game that provide new content and some-
times new ways to play the game.
monster generator A device visible in the environment that serves as a source for
enemies entering the game world. A monster generator may be destroyed or other-
wise prevented from introducing enemies; contrast with spawn point .
moveset A list of animations that shows how a character can move, both volun-
tarily and involuntarily.
multiplayer distributed gaming Playing games among multiple players at distrib-
uted locations (such as over a network), which enables each to have her own video
screen and individual view of the game world. Contrast with multiplayer local gaming .
multiplayer local gaming Playing games in the same room with other people, all
looking at the same video screen. This approach makes it impossible to provide
individual players with secret information.
multipresent interaction model An interaction model in which the player may
influence many areas of the game world at one time.
mutable rules Rules that can be changed during a game according to other rules
that define how the changes may take place.
mutual dependency A condition of an internal economy in which two processes each
require the output of the other as an input in order to function. If one of the input
supplies is diverted elsewhere and no more becomes available, a deadlock will occur.
narrative Noninteractive story material that is presented by the game to the
player, consisting of narrative events . It differs from in-game events in that narrative
is written as part of the design process rather than being produced by the core
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