Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Design Practice QUESTIONS
1. What process is the player going to manage? What actions will the player take in
managing that process?
2. What resources exist in this process? For each resource, how is it produced, con-
sumed, stored, transported, and converted into other resources? Is it tangible,
intangible, or a hybrid? Is it limited or unlimited? What determines its production
and consumption rates?
3. Which resources can the player manipulate and which can she not?
4. Will the process settle into a balanced state or will it run down if not tended by
the player? Will disasters affect it?
5. What will the player be constructing, and what function does the constructed
item have? Will objects be purchased whole or planned and built over time? What
does each item that the player can construct cost and how long does it take to build?
6. Can the player demolish or sell things that she builds? Does demolition cost or
earn resources for the player?
7. Will the game have scenarios with victory conditions? What are they like?
8. What is the player's perspective and interaction model with the game? Is there
a way to get inside the things she builds?
9. What analytical tools are provided to help her understand the workings of the
10. Is the simulated population modeled as individuals or as a statistical aggregate?
If they are individuals, what is their behavior model? Are there multiple types of
individuals? Can the player read their minds?
11. Will the game have advisors? What will they advise about?
12. Is this game a pure business simulation? Accounting and finance are often con-
sidered rather dull, so what makes this compelling? Does the game have a setting?
If not, how can it be made visually interesting?
13. Is the game a hybrid with other sorts of games? What other elements in the
game make it a hybrid (strategic problems, action challenges, puzzles, and so on)?
How do they affect the way the game is controlled?
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