Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
player can use the item he constructs to earn money. Your instructor will inform
you of the scope of the exercise.
3. Choose a domain in which the player must construct something to meet an
aesthetic standard for which a known set of aesthetic rules exists in the real world,
such as architecture, clothing design, music, interior decoration, landscaping, or
a domain that your instructor assigns. Research your chosen domain to learn its
aesthetic rules. (Because many such rules change over time, you may choose a period
from history if you can find adequate documentation.) Be careful not to confuse
rules about usability with those about aesthetics. Write a short paper explaining
your domain, including the range of choices that the player may make in construct-
ing something, and document the aesthetic rules. Provide references to your sources.
Design Practice QUESTIONS
1. What features do you want to include to allow the player to define herself in the
game: avatar selection, customization, or creation from the ground up? What attri-
butes can she change, if any?
2. How will you make clear to the player the possible consequences of his avatar
customization decisions so that he can make informed choices? Where will you
provide this information?
3. If you offer creative play, what will its domain be? What limitations will the
machine impose?
4. Do you plan to offer constrained creative play? If so, what will be the constrain-
ing factor or factors economics, physics, or aesthetics? Will the game provide a
growth path to gradually free the player of constraints? In the case of aesthetics,
how will you implement an aesthetic judgment mechanism, and how will the
results of that judgment become clear to the player? Will aesthetically appealing
creations earn more money, win prizes, produce points, or gain some other reward?
5. Will you offer freeform creative play? If so, will it be part of ordinary play, or
will it be a separate sandbox mode? If you do offer freeform creative play, can the
player's creations affect the gameplay?
6. Does your game include features for storytelling play? What will they be? How
can you seamlessly integrate such features into the rest of the game?
7. Do you plan to allow mods? What will you let players modify? Can they create
new levels, bots, or narrative material? What tools will you want to ship to support
these activities?
8. How will you create a sense of community between the players and allow them
to share their creations with others?
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