Java Reference
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Core Swing Components
I n Chapter 3, you received a quick introduction to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
used by the components of the JFC/Swing project. In this chapter, you'll begin to explore how
to use the key parts of the many available components.
All Swing components start with the JComponent class. Although some parts of the Swing
libraries aren't rooted with the JComponent class, all the components share JComponent as the
common parent class at some level of their ancestry. It's with this JComponent class that
common behavior and properties are defined. In this chapter, you'll look at common function-
ality such as component painting, customization, tooltips, and sizing.
As far as specific JComponent descendent classes are concerned, you'll specifically look at
the JLabel , JButton , and JPanel , three of the more commonly used Swing component classes.
They require an understanding of the Icon interface for displaying images within components,
as well as of the ImageIcon class for when using predefined images and the GrayFilter class for
support. In addition, you'll look at the AbstractButton class, which serves as the parent class to
the JButton . The data model shared by all AbstractButton subclasses is the ButtonModel inter-
face; you'll explore that and the specific implementation class, the DefaultButtonModel .
JComponent Class
The JComponent class serves as the abstract root class from which all Swing components
descend. The JComponent class has 42 descendent subclasses, each of which inherits much of
the JComponent functionality. Figure 4-1 shows this hierarchy.
Although the JComponent class serves as the common root class for all Swing components,
many classes in the libraries for the Swing project descend from classes other than JComponent .
Those include all the high-level container objects such as JFrame , JApplet , and JInternalFrame ;
all the MVC-related classes; event-handling-related interfaces and classes; and much more.
All of these will be discussed in later chapters.
Although all Swing components extend JComponent , the JComponent class extends the AWT
Container class, which, in turn, extends from the AWT Component class. This means that many
aspects of the JComponent are shared with both the AWT Component and Container classes.
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