Java Reference
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public void restoreState(Hashtable state) {
Polygon polygon = (Polygon)state.get(POLYGON_KEY);
if (polygon != null) {
The Hashtable that the restoreState() method returns contains only key/value pairs that
changed. It's possible that the get() method of the Hashtable returns null for something that
you explicitly put() in the hash table. Therefore, as shown in Listing 21-7, you're required to
add an if-null check after getting any state information from the hash table.
StateEdit Class
After you've implemented the StateEditable interface, you can use the StateEdit class as the
UndoableEdit implementation. Where the previous UndoableDrawingPanel example created a
custom UndoableDrawEdit , the new class creates a StateEdit instance.
The StateEdit constructor accepts a StateEditable object that you're going to change and
an optional presentation name. After creating the StateEdit object, modify the StateEditable
object and then tell the StateEdit to end() the modifications to the StateEditable object.
When the StateEdit object is told that the modifications have ended, it compares the before-
and-after states of the state editable object and removes any key/value pairs that didn't change
from the hash table. You can then post the UndoableEdit to the list of UndoableEditListener
objects through the list maintained by the UndoableEditSupport class.
StateEdit stateEdit = new StateEdit(UndoableDrawingPanel2.this);
// Change state of UndoableDrawingPanel2
polygon.addPoint(mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY());
// Done changing state
After the edit is posted, the UndoManager manages the StateEdit instance of UndoableEdit ,
just like any other undoable edit object. The UndoManager can then request the StateEdit object
to tell its StateEditable object to restore its previous state. This holds for any other
UndoableEdit object. Therefore, no other source code needs to change.
A Complete StateEditable/StateEdit Example
The reworking of the UndoableDrawingPanel example is presented in Listing 21-8, with the
differences from Listing 21-5 shown in boldface. This version uses the StateEditable /
StateEdit combination just described. The earlier test program is included as the main()
method to keep the complete example together. With the exception of the class name change
for the drawing panel, the test program didn't change and will still result in what you see in
Figure 21-5, assuming the same set of points in the polygon.
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