Java Reference
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frame.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
frame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.setSize(300, 150);
If you plan to use the Undo Framework only with the Swing text components, you can skip
reading the rest of the chapter. On the other hand, if you want to use the framework with other
components, or even in a noncomponent setting, you'll want to read the remaining sections,
which describe the inner workings of the framework in more detail.
The Command Design Pattern
The undo facility of the javax.swing.undo package utilizes the Command design pattern,
which has the following participants:
Command: The UndoableEdit interface defines the interface for executing the
undo/redo operations.
Concrete Command: Instances of the AbstractUndoableEdit class, or more specifically
its subclasses, implement the necessary Command interface. They bind the commands
to the receiver ( Document ) to modify its contents.
Client: In the case of the Swing text components, the Document does the creation of the
actual AbstractUndoableEdit subclass, an AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent
by default.
Invoker: The UndoManager serves as the Invoker of the UndoableEdit command. Normally,
someone else tells the Invoker when to do the invoking. However, it's the Invoker who
notifies the specific UndoableEdit instance when to undo/redo the command.
Receiver: The Document is the receiver of the command from the actual
AbstractUndoableEdit subclass. It knows how to process the request.
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