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Figure 18-16. Printing progress dialog box displayed by the printing tables example
Yes, it really is that easy to print a multiple-page table with JDK 5.0. The print() method
returns a boolean , so you can discover if the user canceled the operation.
For those looking for more control over the printing operation, there are several other
overloaded versions of the print() method of JTable . Like the simple print() method, they all
can throw a PrinterException .
One print() version lets you specify the print mode:
public boolean print(JTable.PrintMode printMode)
The JTable.PrintMode argument is an enumeration of FIT_WIDTH and NORMAL . When not
specified with the no-argument version of print() , the default is FIT_WIDTH .
Another version lets you specify a page header or footer:
public boolean print(JTable.PrintMode printMode, MessageFormat headerFormat,
MessageFormat footerFormat)
MessageFormat comes from the java.text package. The one argument to the header and
footer formatting string is the page number. To display the page number, include {0} in your
formatting string where you want the page number to appear. Both will appear centered on the
page, with the header in a larger font. To demonstrate, change the print() call in Listing 18-19
to the following (and add an import line):
MessageFormat headerFormat = new MessageFormat("Page {0}");
MessageFormat footerFormat = new MessageFormat("- {0} -");
table.print(JTable.PrintMode.FIT_WIDTH, headerFormat, footerFormat);
The final print() version is the all inclusive one, allowing you to not show the printer
dialog box and configure what the default print request attribute set entails, such as how many
copies to print.
public boolean print(JTable.PrintMode printMode, MessageFormat headerFormat,
MessageFormat footerFormat, boolean showPrintDialog,
PrintRequestAttributeSet attr, boolean interactive)
For those times when you desire no user interaction to print, consider using this last version.
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