Java Reference
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JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane(document);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textPane);
frame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.setSize(300, 150);
In addition to specifying a position and alignment, you can specify which character you
want to appear as a leader in the white space created by the tab character. By default, nothing
exists there; therefore, the constant is LEAD_NONE . The other TabStop values create a line of
periods (dots), equal signs, hyphens, thick lines, or underlines: LEAD_DOTS , LEAD_EQUALS ,
LEAD_HYPHENS , LEAD_THICKLINE , or LEAD_UNDERLINE . Unfortunately, this option is available but
unsupported. While a nonstandard Swing component might support this capability, the standard
ones currently do not support the different leader settings.
Style Interface
The Style interface is one more of the enhanced ways to specify an AttributeSet . It adds a
name to the MutableAttributeSet and the ability to attach a ChangeListener to a Style in order
to monitor changes to the attribute settings. For instance, you can configure a bold-italic style
as shown here:
String BOLD_ITALIC = "BoldItalic";
Style style = (Style)document.getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);
StyleConstants.setBold(style, true);
StyleConstants.setItalic(style, true);
document.addStyle(BOLD_ITALIC, null);
Later, you can attach the style to some text:
style = document.getStyle(BOLD_ITALIC);
document.insertString(document.getLength(), "Hello, Java", style);
StyleContext Class
The StyleContext class manages the styles for a styled document. With the help of the
StyleContext.NamedStyle class, you can just let the JTextPane to do its own thing, because
the StyleContext knows when something needs to be done. For HTML documents, the
StyleContext is more specifically a StyleSheet .
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