Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public void paint (Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(grayImage, 0, 0, this);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea);
frame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.setSize(250, 250);
JTextComponent Operations
The JTextComponent defines the basic framework for many of the operations performed on the
text controls.
I/O: The public void read(Reader in, Object description) and public void
write(Writer out) methods (both throw IOException ) allow you to read or write
the text component contents with ease.
Clipboard access: The public void cut() , public void copy() , and public void paste()
methods provide direct access to the system clipboard.
Positioning: The public void moveCaretPosition(int position) method allows you to
position the caret. The position represents a one-dimensional location indicating the
number of characters to precede the caret from the beginning of the text component.
Selection: The public void replaceSelection(String content) , public void
selectAll() , and public void select(int selectionStart, int selectionEnd)
methods allow you to select part of the content within the component and replace
the content that is selected.
Conversion: The public Rectangle modelToView(int position) throws
BadLocationException and public int viewToModel(Point point) methods allow
you (or, more likely, allow the system) to map a position within the JTextComponent to
a physical mapping within the representation of the contents for the specific text UI
Now that you've had an overview of the JTextComponent class, it's time to look at its
different subclasses. First up is the JTextField , which will be used to demonstrate the operations
just listed.
JTextField Class
The JTextField component is the text component for a single line of input. The data model
for a JTextField is the PlainDocument implementation of the Document interface. The PlainDocument
model limits input to single-attributed text, meaning that it must be a single font and color.
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