Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Collection<Object> col = System.getProperties().values();
ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<Object>(col);
ArrayListComboBoxModel model = new ArrayListComboBoxModel(arrayList);
JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox (model);
frame.add(comboBox, BorderLayout.NORTH);
frame.setSize(300, 225);
Figure 13-3 shows the model in action using the current system properties as the source
for the data model elements.
Figure 13-3. Using an ArrayListComboBoxModel
JList Class
The JList component is the basic Swing component for selecting one or more items from a set
of choices. You present the list of choices to the user, and the user can pick one or several,
depending on the selection mode of the component.
Three key elements and their implementations define the JList structure:
A data model for holding the JList data, as defined by the ListModel interface
A cell renderer for drawing the elements of the JList , as described by the
ListCellRenderer interface
A selection model for selecting elements of the JList , as described by the
ListSelectionModel interface
Creating JList Components
The JList component has four constructors, which allow you to create a JList instance based
on your initial data structure:
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