Java Reference
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List Model Controls
C hapter 12 explored the bounded range controls that support scrolling and the input or
display of some bounded range of values. In this chapter, you'll examine two data-selection
controls that present a list of choices: JList and JComboBox . The primary difference between
these controls is that the JList component supports multiple selections, whereas the JComboBox
does not. Also, the JComboBox lets a user provide a choice that isn't among the available options.
ListModel Interface
Figure 13-1 shows the two controls you'll be examining in this chapter.
Figure 13-1. Sample JComboBox and JList controls
The data model shared by the two components is ListModel , which originates with the
ListModel interface. The AbstractListModel class provides an implementation basis by supporting
the management and notification of a set of ListDataListener objects.
In the case of a JList component, the data model implementation is the DefaultListModel
class. This class adds an actual data repository, which follows the API of a Vector , for the different
elements to be displayed within the JList component.
In the JComboBox component, an extension of the ListModel interface called ComboBoxModel
supports the notion of a selected item within the model. The DefaultComboBoxModel class
implements the ComboBoxModel interface through yet another interface, the MutableComboBoxModel ,
which supplies supporting methods for adding and removing elements from the model.
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