Java Reference
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Bounded Range Components
I n the previous chapter, you saw how JScrollPane provides a scrollable region for those situations
when there isn't sufficient space to display an entire component on screen. Swing also offers
several components that support some type of scrolling or the display of a bounded range of values.
The available components are JScrollBar , JSlider , JProgressBar , and, in a more limited sense,
JTextField . These components share a BoundedRangeModel as their data model. The default imple-
mentation of this data model provided with the Swing classes is the DefaultBoundedRangeModel
In this chapter, you'll look at the similarities and differences between these Swing
components. Let's start with their shared data model, the BoundedRangeModel .
BoundedRangeModel Interface
The BoundedRangeModel interface is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) data model shared by
the components described in this chapter. The interface contains four interrelated properties
that are necessary to describe a range of values: minimum , maximum , value , and extent .
The minimum and maximum properties define the limits of the value of the model. The value
property defines what you might think of as the current setting of the model, where the maximum
setting of the value property is not necessarily the value of the maximum property of the model.
Instead, the maximum setting that the value property can take is the maximum property less the
extent property. To help you visualize these properties, Figure 12-1 shows these settings in relation
to a JScrollBar . Any other purpose of the extent property depends on the component acting
as the model's view.
Figure 12-1. BoundedRange properties on a JScrollBar
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