Java Reference
In-Depth Information
With the JSplitPane component, you can create a row or column consisting of two
components with a divider in between them to allow an end user to alter the components'
sizes manually by moving the divider.
The JTabbedPane container displays only one component from a set of contained compo-
nents at a time. The displayed component is picked by the user selecting a tab, which can
contain a title with or without mnemonic, an icon, and a tooltip. This is the popular property
sheet metaphor commonly seen within applications.
The JScrollPane and JViewport containers allow you to display a large component within
a small area. The JScrollPane adds scrollbars to enable an end user to move the visible part
around, whereas the JViewport doesn't add these scrollbars.
In Chapter 12, we'll once again examine the individual components within the Swing
library, including the JProgressBar , JScrollBar , and JSlider that share the BoundedRangeModel
as their data model.
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