Java Reference
In-Depth Information
protected void frameInit() {
Caution If you do override the frameInit() method of JFrame , remember to call super.frameInit()
first, to initialize the default behaviors. If you forget and don't reimplement all the default behaviors yourself,
your new frame will look and act differently.
JWindow Class
The JWindow class is similar to the JFrame class. It uses a JRootPane for component management
and implements the RootPaneContainer interface. Basically, it is a top-level window with no
Creating a JWindow
The JWindow class has five constructors:
public JWindow()
JWindow window = new JWindow();
public JWindow(Frame owner)
JWindow window = new JWindow(aFrame);
public JWindow(GraphicsConfiguration config)
GraphicsConfiguration gc = ...;
JWindow window = new JWindow(gc);
public JWindow(Window owner)
JWindow window = new JWindow(anotherWindow);
public JWindow(Window owner, GraphicsConfiguration config)
GraphicsConfiguration gc = ...;
JWindow window = new JWindow(anotherWindow, gc);
You can create a window without specifying a parent or by specifying the parent as a Frame
or Window . If no parent is specified, an invisible one is used.
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