Java Reference
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public static void main(final String args[]) {
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Adornment Example");
frame.setSize(300, 100);
Adding Components to a JFrame
Because JFrame implements the RootPaneContainer interface and uses a JRootPane , you don't
add components directly to the JFrame . Instead, you add them to the JRootPane contained
within the JFrame . Prior to J2SE 5.0, you needed to add components like this:
JRootPane rootPane = aJFrame.getRootPane();
Container contentPane = rootPane.getContentPane();
This can be shortened to the following form:
If you tried to add components directly to the JFrame , it resulted in a runtime error being
Due to many suggestions (complaints?), Sun finally decided to change the add() method
into a proxy:
// J2SE 5.0
With J2SE 5.0, when you add components to the JFrame , they actually are added to the
content pane of the RootPaneContainer .
Handling JFrame Events
The JFrame class supports the registration of eleven different listeners:
ComponentListener : To find out when the frame moves or is resized.
ContainerListener : Normally not added to a JFrame because you add components to the
content pane of its JRootPane .
FocusListener : To find out when the frame gets or loses input focus.
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