Java Reference
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configure it with setAction() , and then add that to the JPopupMenu . Why the method isn't just
deprecated isn't clear.
Lastly, you can add a menu separator with the addSeparator() method.
As well as adding menu items at the end of a menu, you can insert them at specific positions or
insert a separator at a specific position:
public JMenuItem insert(Component component, int position);
public JMenuItem insert(Action action, int position);
There's no insertSeparator() method as there is with JMenu . But you can use the
add(Component component, int position) method inherited from Container . If you want to
remove components, use the remove(Component component) method specific to JPopupMenu .
Note Accelerators on attached JMenuItem objects are ignored. Mnemonics might also be ignored
depending on the currently installed look and feel.
Displaying the JPopupMenu
Unlike the JMenu , simply populating the pop-up menu isn't sufficient to use it. You need to
associate the pop-up menu with an appropriate component. Prior to the 5.0 release of Swing,
you needed to add event-handling code to trigger the display of the pop-up menu. Now, all you
need to do is call the setComponentPopupMenu() method for the Swing component you wish to
associate the pop-up menu with. When the platform-specific triggering event happens, the
pop-up menu is automatically displayed.
Note Why change the way pop-up menu display is triggered? The old code was very tightly tied to mouse
events. It didn't connect well with the accessibility framework. And the same code was being added every-
where to just show the pop-up menu at the x, y coordinates of the invoker.
You simply need to create an instance of JPopupMenu and attach it to any component you
want to have display the pop-up menu, as follows:
JPopupMenu popupMenu = ...;
The methods of JComponent that are important to pop-up menus are
getComponentPopupMenu() , setComponentPopupMenu() , getInheritsPopupMenu() ,
setInheritsPopupMenu() , and getPopupLocation() . The setInheritsPopupMenu() method
accepts a boolean argument. When true , and no component pop-up menu has been directly
set for the component, the parent container will be explored for a pop-up.
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