Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Note SingleSelectionModel also serves as the selection model for JTabbedPane , a class described
in Chapter 11.
The interface definition for SingleSelectionModel follows:
public interface SingleSelectionModel {
// Listeners
public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener);
public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener listener);
// Properties
public int getSelectedIndex();
public void setSelectedIndex(int index);
public boolean isSelected();
// Other Methods
public void clearSelection();
As you can see, in addition to the selection index, the interface requires maintenance of a
ChangeListener list to be notified when the selection index changes.
The default Swing-provided implementation of SingleSelectionModel is the
DefaultSingleSelectionModel class. For both JMenuBar and JPopupMenu , it's very unlikely that
you will change their selection model from this default implementation.
The DefaultSingleSelectionModel implementation manages the list of ChangeListener
objects. In addition, the model uses a value of -1 to signify that nothing is currently selected.
When the selected index is -1, isSelected() returns false ; otherwise, the method returns true .
When the selected index changes, any registered ChangeListener objects will be notified.
JMenuItem Class
The JMenuItem component is the predefined component that a user selects on a menu bar. As a
subclass of AbstractButton , JMenuItem acts as a specialized button component that behaves
similarly to a JButton . Besides being a subclass of AbstractButton , the JMenuItem class shares
the data model of JButton ( ButtonModel interface and DefaultButtonModel implementation).
Creating JMenuItem Components
Six constructors for JMenuItem follow. They allow you to initialize the menu item's string or icon
label and the mnemonic of the menu item. There's no explicit constructor permitting you to
set all three options at creation time, unless you make them part of an Action .
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