Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-5. Sample JCheckBox components
The JCheckBox is made up of several pieces. Like JToggleButton , the JCheckBox uses a
ToggleButtonModel to represent its data model. The user interface delegate is CheckBoxUI .
Although the ButtonGroup is available to group together check boxes, it isn't normally appropriate.
When multiple JCheckBox components are within a ButtonGroup , they behave like JRadioButton
components but look like JCheckBox components. Because of this visual irregularity, you
shouldn't put JCheckBox components into a ButtonGroup .
Now that you've seen the different pieces of a JCheckBox , let's find out how to use them.
Creating JCheckBox Components
Eight constructors exist for JCheckBox :
public JCheckBox()
JCheckBox aCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
public JCheckBox(Icon icon)
JCheckBox aCheckBox = new JCheckBox(new DiamondIcon(Color.RED, false));
aCheckBox.setSelectedIcon(new DiamondIcon(Color.PINK, true));
public JCheckBox(Icon icon, boolean selected)
JCheckBox aCheckBox = new JCheckBox(new DiamondIcon(Color.RED, false), true);
aCheckBox.setSelectedIcon(new DiamondIcon(Color.PINK, true));
public JCheckBox(String text)
JCheckBox aCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Spinach");
public JCheckBox(String text, boolean selected)
JCheckBox aCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Onions", true);
public JCheckBox(String text, Icon icon)
JCheckBox aCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Garlic", new DiamondIcon(Color.RED, false));
aCheckBox.setSelectedIcon(new DiamondIcon(Color.PINK, true));
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