Java Reference
In-Depth Information
JToggleButton Class
The JToggleButton is the first of the toggleable components. It's discussed first because it's
the parent class of the two other components that are not menu-oriented: JCheckBox and
JRadioButton . The JToggleButton is like a JButton that stays depressed when selected, instead
of bouncing back to an unselected state. To deselect the selected component, you must reselect it.
JToggleButton isn't a commonly used component, but you might find it useful on a toolbar,
such as in Microsoft Word (for paragraph alignment, among other instances) or in a file dialog
box, as shown in the upper-right corner of Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2. Sample JToggleButton components from file chooser
Defining the JToggleButton structure are two objects that customize the AbstractButton
parent class: ToggleButtonModel and ToggleButtonUI . The ToggleButtonModel class represents
a customized ButtonModel data model for the component, whereas ToggleButtonUI is the user
interface delegate.
Now that you know about the different pieces of a JToggleButton , let's find out how to
use them.
Creating JToggleButton Components
Eight constructors are available for JToggleButton :
public JToggleButton()
JToggleButton aToggleButton = new JToggleButton();
public JToggleButton(Icon icon)
JToggleButton aToggleButton = new JToggleButton(new DiamondIcon(Color.PINK))
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