Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The ZSContextWatcher is publicly available under the BSD license, and the latest
version is always in my public GitHub repository at
ZDS_Shared .
The goal of the ZSContextWatcher is to provide us with the ability to monitor a
subset of the data that is in Core Data and to be notified when it changes.
It's the same functionality that is in the NSFetchedResultsController but not as
tightly coupled with the UITableView .
@interface ZSContextWatcher : NSObject
- (id)initWithManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)context;
- ( void )addEntityToWatch:(NSEntityDescription*)description
The API to use this class is composed of two methods.
We initialize the ZSContextWatcher with an NSManagedObjectContext . This NSManage-
dObjectContext is used when it sets itself up as an observer on NSNotificationCenter .
This avoids notifications coming from other NSManagedObjectContext instances.
- (id)initWithManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)context;
ZAssert(context, @ "Context is nil!" );
if (!(self = [super init])) return nil;
NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[center addObserver:self
selector: @selector (contextUpdated:)
return self;
-addEntityToWatch: withPredicate:
The second method in the public API for the ZSContextWatcher allows us to define
what the watcher is listening for. This is moved away from the initialization
because I wanted the ability to watch more than one entity and/or more than
one predicate. With this method, I can add as many entities and/or predicates
as I need.
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