Databases Reference
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-testPing Implementation
The first of our test methods is also the simplest. We call the -ping method on
the server, and nothing else. We do not expect a return from the server at all.
This method causes a log statement to be generated on the server, allowing
us to watch the server and see that connections are in fact coming in. It also
keeps the testing simple. With this method, we can confirm that the Bonjour
service and the distributed objects are working properly without having to
wonder whether some other logic in some other part of our application is the
real source of a failure. If the ping is not getting through, we know either the
Bonjour service or the distributed objects are failing.
- ( void )testPing
[server ping];
-testObjectFetch Implementation
The -testObjectFetch is the first complicated method that we are testing across the
distributed objects link. In this test, we construct an NSPredicate that we pass to
the server to be executed against the NSManagedObjectContext . As I mentioned, passing
the NSManagedObjectContext itself across distributed objects produced some terminal
exceptions within the Core Data stack itself, so we are avoiding this by performing
as much of the Core Data work as possible on the server. Here we are passing in
the name of the entity we want to search against and the NSPredicate . The server
returns an NSArray of the entities that fit the NSPredicate . One interesting thing to
note in this method is that we are not using the new for loop to access the returned
NSArray . Since the NSArray is actually an NSDistant proxy for the NSArray on the server,
the newer fast enumeration does not handle it properly. Therefore, we need to
use the older NSEnumerator instead.
- ( void )testObjectFetch
NSString *test = [GUID substringToIndex:3];
NSPredicate *predicate = nil;
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@ "name contains[c] %@" , test];
NSArray *results = [server objectsOfName:@ "Test" withPredicate:predicate];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [results objectEnumerator];
NSManagedObject *object;
while (object = [enumerator nextObject]) {
[object setValue:GUID forKey:@ "name" ];
[self setFilteredObjects:results];
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