Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Data stack, it is possible to just have the NSManaged-ObjectID (or even a unique
identifier within the Recipe object) stored in the metadata file and have the
importers and generators retrieve all the metadata information from the Core
Data stack instead. (This is probably very similar to how Core Data does it
internally.) This would also simplify the updating of the metadata, since the
only action required at that point would be to delete metadata files for records
that no longer exist. However, care must be taken with this approach because
performance may suffer greatly.
Improving the Quick Look Thumbnail Generator
You may have noticed that we ignored the Max Size setting of the Quick Look
thumbnail generator. That was done for the sake of clarity, and in a production
system we should be sizing down the image to accommodate that setting. By
doing so, we would be good citizens as well as be helping the performance of
Quick Look whenever our files are involved.
Document-Based Applications
When writing an application that uses a document model as opposed to a
single repository, integrating Spotlight and Quick Look is even easier. Instead
of having separate metadata files, we can simply store the relevant information
in the metadata of the actual documents. This allows the importers to read
the metadata without having to initialize the entire Core Data stack and still
allows for very quick access to the relevant information.
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