Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
As of the writing of this topic, Xcode constructs projects so that the .xcodeproj
file is above all of the other files needed in the project. The purpose behind
this setup is so we can more easily structure our projects to share components
between iOS and Mac OS X. Therefore, we start our desktop project by creating
a new project named Desktop. I suggest creating the new project in a tempo-
rary directory, perhaps on your desktop.
Once the new project is created, quit Xcode. Using Finder, move the contents
of the new project in with our existing project. We could further clarify things
by renaming the projects, but our main goal is to share the data model and
the data objects. The final result is shown here:
Once we have our data objects and data model in a position to be shared,
drag the folder into Xcode, and add them to the desktop project. Now our
data model is complete.
Building the Controller Layer
As you may know from experience developing Cocoa apps, Interface Builder
is a large part of any project. Now that we have built our data model and have
a template ready in Xcode, it's time to put together the user interface.
There are two things to note before we get into the fun of Interface Builder.
• This is not going to be Delicious Library. We will be using standard widgets
for our application to help keep the non-Core Data code to a minimum.
• There are a lot of features we could add to this application, but we're going
to hold back. Extra features, although useful, might detract from our
current focus of porting the primary functionality from iOS to the desktop.
Once we have that new foundation in place, we can start adding features.
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