Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Concurrency Types
There are a few requirements that must be satisfied in order to use parent
and child contexts. Each NSManagedObjectContext that is associated in this way
must be initialized with the new -initWithConcurrencyType: initializer. A concurrency
type describes how an NSManagedObjectContext can be interacted with, because
that relates to threading. Three concurrency types are available.
The first type is called NSMainQueueConcurrencyType . This concurrency type is
formally declared as accessible only from the main thread. An NSManagedObject-
Context that is being used by the user interface should be defined with this
concurrency type. It does not matter what thread we are currently on when
we initialize an NSManagedObjectContext with this concurrency type because it
must always be used on the main thread.
When accessed on the main thread, it can be treated normally. All access is
available. However, if it is accessed from a background/nonmain thread, it
can be accessed only via the -performBlock: and -performBlockAndWait: methods.
The private queue concurrency type creates an NSManagedObjectContext that can
be accessed only from its private queue. Because the queue is private, the
NSManagedObjectContext can be used only via the -performBlock: and -performBlockAnd-
Wait: methods.
The confinement concurrency type is the “normal” concurrency type. When
an NSManagedObjectContext is initialized using the -init method, this is the concur-
rency type that is configured. A confinement concurrency type means that
the NSManagedObjectContext is confined to the thread that created it. If the
NSManagedObjectContext is accessed from a thread other than the one that created
it, an exception is thrown.
Let's walk through a couple of changes to our application in order to demon-
strate the benefits of these new features.
Asynchronous Saving
One of the biggest issues with threading prior to iOS 6.0 and Mac OS X 10.8
Mountain Lion had to do with thread blocking . No matter how cleverly we
wrote our import and export operations, sooner or later we had to block the
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