Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2.11 The Bhopalator - a molecular model of the living cell (Reproduced from Ji 1985a, b).
The cell can be treated as the physical system wherein micro-meso correlations occur under a wide
variety of environmental conditions supported by free energy utilizing enzymes acting as coinci-
dence detectors (see Sect. 7.2.2 ) . The Bhopalator consists of a total of 20 major steps: 1 ¼ DNA
replication; 2 ¼ transcription; 3 ¼ translation; 4 ¼ protein folding; 5 ¼ substrate binding; 6 ¼
activation of the enzyme-substrate complex; 7 ¼ equilibration between the substrate and the
product at the metastable transition state; 8 ¼ product release contributing to the formation of
the intracellular dissipative structure (IDS); 9 ¼ recycling of the enzyme; 10 ¼ IDS-induced
changes in DNA structure; 11-18 ¼ feedback interactions mediated by IDS; 19 ¼ input of
substrate into the cell; and 20
the output of the cell effected by IDSs, which makes cell function
and IDSs synonymous (see Sect. 10.1 for more details)
machines driven by conformational strains (i.e., conformons) generated from
chemical reactions and localized in sequence-specific sites. The arrows, both
solid and dotted, represent molecular processes mostly catalyzed by enzymes
(which are viewed as elementary coincidence detectors (see Sect. 7.2.2 ) ) that are
organized in space and time to produce coherent behaviors of cells at the meso-
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