Biology Reference
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r The discovery of the quantization of action by Planck in 1900 (Kuhn 1978) led
to the development of quantum mechanics by the mid-1920s which has
revolutionized physics and the philosophy of science (Murdoch 1987; Plotnitsky
2006; Bacciagaluppi and Valenti 2009).
s Prigogine's dissipative structures (also called dissipatons in this topic) can be
divided into local and global dissipatons based on the dichotomization of kinemat-
ics into local and global branches (see Sect. 3.1.6 ). The conformon theory of
molecular machines developed between 1972 and 1991 (Ji 2000) represents a
theory of local dissipatons (LDs) , whereas the theories of SOWAWN machines
(Sect. 2.4.3 ) , hyperstructures (Sect. 2.4.4 ) , and metabolic spacetime (Welch and
Smith 1990; Smith and Welch 1991; Welch and Keleti 1981) belong to the family
of the theories of global dissipatons ( GDs ).
The cell can be viewed as a dynamic systemof molecules (biochemicals, proteins,
nucleic acids, etc.) that is organized in space and time to form LDs (e.g., enzyme
turnovers driven by conformons) as well as GDs (e.g., cell migration powered by
conformons, cell cycle coordinated by dissipatons). Since all organizations in the cell
are ultimately driven by the Gibbs free energy supplied by chemical reactions
catalyzed by enzymes which in turn are driven by conformons (Chap. 8 ), it follows
that all GDs in the cell are ultimately driven by LDs or that LDs are the necessary
condition for GDs . This is reminiscent of the replacement of the Newtonian action-
at-a-distance (i.e., the “gravitational force”) with the local curvature of spacetime
induced by mass at the location (Wheeler 1990, pp. 12.15). That is, it appears that:
Both in physics and biology, there is no action-at-a-distance but only local actions. (12.36)
We may refer to Statement 12.35 as the “Universal Principle of Local Actions
t According to the UPLA formulated in Footnotes, all global dissipatons (GDs)
must derive from local dissipatons (LDs). What is the possible mechanism by which
a GD can be produced from a set of LDs? In other words, how can a set of LDs give
rise to a GD? The pre-fit hypothesis which was formulated on the basis of the
Principle of Slow and Fast Processes or the Generalized Franck-Condon Principle
described in Sect. 7.1.3 suggests the following plausible mechanism for coupling the
formation of a GD from a set of LDs (or as set of two LDs as a simplest case):
1. LD 1 þþ
LD 2 $
LD 1
LD 2
2. LD 1
LD 2
LD 1
LD 2 Þ
LD 2 0 or GD
In Step 1, two LDs, i.e., LD 1 and LD 2 , and a structural element denoted as ~ such as
amicrotubule spanning the cytosolic space between the nucleus and the cell membrane
are thermally fluctuating, occasionally forming a tripartite complex shown on the
right-hand side of the double-headed arrow. In Step 2, the loose complex, LD 1 ~LD 2 ,
is in equilibrium with its tight but transient complex denoted as (LD 1 -- LD 2 ).
Finally, in Step 3, the unstable, transient complex (LD 1 -- LD 2 ) is stabilized to form
LD 1 0 -- LD 2 0 through a synchronized dissipation of a part of the free energies of LD 1
and LD 2 which form their lower free energy states, LD 1 0 and LD 2 0 , that are now
coupled by a rigid connector symbolized by -- which is equivalent to a GD.
LD 1 0
LD 1
LD 2 Þ!
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