Biology Reference
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such as cars, molecular machines must be driven by free energy derived from
chemical reactions, but the mechanism by which these processes manage to drive
molecular machines is not yet fully understood. One possibility is suggested by the
conformon theory , according to which all molecular machines are driven by
chemical reaction-derived or ligand binding/de-binding-induced mechanical
strains stored in sequence-specific sites in biopolymers known as the conformons
(see Sects. 8.2 and 11.4.1 for the mechanisms of conformon generation).
11.4.1 The Conformon Model of “Biomotrons”
There are several related terms used in the fields of molecular biology and the
emerging field of single-molecule enzymology (Xie 2001; Deniz et al. 2008) such
as “molecular energy machines” (McClare 1971, 1974; Welch and Kell 1986),
“molecular machines,” “molecular motors” (Astumian 2000, 2001), “molecular
rotors,” “molecular switches,” “Brownian ratchets,” “molecular catalysts,” and
“protein machines” (Kurzynski 2006). We can regard all these terms as representing
different species (or tokens ) of the same class (or type ) of objects which may
conveniently be referred to as “biomotrons,” a term coined by one of the pioneers
of the single-molecule mechanics, T. Yanagida (
erato/pendixbf.doc ) (Douglas 1995). Biomotrons stands for “ bio logical mo lecular
mo tor s.” The main purpose of this section is to present the following two assertions:
1. All biomotrons are driven by conformons .
2. Conformons are generated in biomotrons from exergonic chemical reactions or
exergonic ligand-binding and de-binding processes, based on the generalized
Franck-Condon mechanisms (Sects. 2.2.3 and 8.2 ).
Conformons are the mechanical energies stored in biopolymers in the form of
conformational strains (Chap. 8 and Sect. 11.3.2 ). Since work or energy is defined
as ( energy )
( force )( displacement) , force is the rate of change of energy with
respect to displacement. In other words, energy and force are intimately related so
that one can be used to derive the other, given the numerical value of the displace-
ment and the associated potential energy function. It is for this reason that
conformons can be used to produce molecular forces inside biopolymers. In
addition, conformons can be generated from chemical reactions through the
generalized Franck-Condon mechanisms as shown in Fig. 8.1 , thus making
conformons as the realistic molecular mechanisms for transducing chemical energy
to mechanical energy in muscle contraction and other molecular motions or
movements (Astumian 2000, 2001).
The conformon mechanism was first applied to muscle contraction in Ji (1974b),
Fig. 6 on p. 223, reproduced in Fig. 11.34 ). The essential content of this mechanism
is depicted in Fig. 11.31b in terms of symbols rather than pictures. In Fig. 6 of Ji
(1974b) and Fig. 11.34 , conformons are represented as a stretched spring attached to
the myosin head (also called subfragment-1 of myosin, or S-1).
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