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Table 4.3 A comparison between entropy and information
Entropy (S)
Information (I)
1. Alternative
Thermodynamic entropy
Informational entropy (“intropy”)
Boltzmann entropy
(Boltzmann-Clausius entropy)
Information-theoretic entropy
Shannon entropy (H)
2. Recommended
Entropy (S)
Information (I)
Boltzmann-Clausius entropy (S)
Shannon entropy (H)
3. Mathematics a
K log P
where K
where w
negative number, and
the number of the
microscopic arrangements
1 is the probability
associated with a message
4. Principles
Second law of thermodynamics
Fourth law of thermodynamics?
(see Table 14.9 for a more
detailed discussion)
“The entropy of isolated systems
increases with time.”
“Not all irreversible processes
produce information.”
“All irreversible processes
produce entropy.”
“Some irreversible processes can
decrease information.”
Yes b
Not always c
5. Temperature
6. Cross-relation d
PinS ¼ k ln P is a form of I e
S increase or S production is required
for I transmission
Indirect (i.e., C ¼ B log 2 (1 + P/N) f )
7. Relation to
Direct (i.e., dS ¼ dQ/T)
8. Subsethood g
9. Fields of study h
10. Common
principle i
The principle of information-energy complementarity (Sect. 2.3.2 )
The term W cannot be less than 1 due to the constraint imposed by the Third Law of thermody-
namics which states that the entropy content of perfect crystals is zero at the zero degree of the
absolute temperature and hence S cannot be negative
This statement is true because all material objects have positive heat capacities
When one heats up a topic such as the Bible, the thermodynamic entropy associated with
molecular motions of the paper constituting the pages of the Bible will increase but the informa-
tional entropy associated with the arrangement of letters in the Bible will not be affected until the
temperature increases high enough to burn the Bible. This is thought experiment may be conve-
niently referred to as the Bible test
d The relation between S and I
e The term P in the equation for S refers to the statistical weights P of all possible microstates and as
such represents a form of information different from the information defined by Shannon as the
logarithmic function of the probabilities of event P. Hence, we can recognize two kinds of
informations - (1) the logarithmic or indirect information as defined by Shannon and (2)
nonlogarithmic or direct information as perceived by the human brain directly. We may also
refer to the former as the second-order information and the latter as the first-order information
f This is the channel capacity (denoted as C) equation of Shannon (Shannon and Weaver 1949),
Eq. 4.29 , which states that no information can be transmitted when no energy is dissipated (or no
power P is expended, or no entropy is produced), i.e., when P
0. B is the bandwidth of
the communication channel. Please note that P appearing in the channel capacity equation is not
the same as the P appearing in the equation for Shannon entropy or Shannon information
0, C
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