Database Reference
In-Depth Information
registerMetadataDBRepository(name= 'mds-custom' , dbVendor= 'ORACLE' , host= 'localhost' , port= '1521' , dbName= 'orcl' ,
user= 'sys' , password= 'password' , targetServers= 'soa_server1' )
The WLST scripts that allow executing commands specific
to administration of MDS related components have to be
executed from the $ORACLE_HOME/common/bin directory
rather than the conventional $ORACLE_HOME/wlserv-
er_10.3/common/bin directory. To be able to execute all
WLST scripts covered in this chapter, execute the
file provided in the code bundle of this chapter from the
$ORACLE_HOME/common/bin directory of your middleware
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