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[echo] deleting /u01/svn/HelloWorld/deploy/sca_HelloWorld_rev1.0.jar
It then recreates the deploy subdirectory via the init target:
[mkdir] Created dir: /u01/svn/HelloWorld/deploy
The scac-validate target, which sets certain environment variables, is sub-
sequently called to validate all resources within the code.
[echo] Running scac-validate in /u01/svn/HelloWorld/composite.xml
[echo] oracle.home = /l01/apps/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/bin/..
[input] skipping input as property compositeDir has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property compositeName has already been set.
[input] skipping input as property revision has already been set.
Finally, the scac target, which performs the actual compilation itself, is called:
[scac] Validating composite "/u01/svn/HelloWorld/composite.xml"
[scac] error: location {/ns:composite/ns:import[@location='file:/ u01/svn/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.wsdl']}: Load of wsdl "HelloWorldWebService.wsdl with Message part element undefined in wsdl [file:/u01/svn/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.wsdl] part name = parameters type = {http://soahost1/SOA/HelloWorldWebService} GetHelloWorldResponse" failed
[scac] error: location {/ns:composite/ns:import[@location= 'file:/u01/svn/HelloWorld/HelloWorldWebService.wsdl']}: Load of wsdl "HelloWorldWebService.wsdl with Message part element undefined in wsdl [file:/u01/svn/HelloWorld/ HelloWorldWebService.wsdl] part name = parameters type = {http://soahost1/SOA/HelloWorldWebService}GetHelloWorldResponse" failed
[echo] /opt/subversion/deploy/build.soa.xml:112: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[echo] /opt/subversion/deploy/build.soa.xml:127: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[echo] /l01/apps/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/bin/ant-sca- package.xml:46: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[echo] /l01/apps/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/bin/ant-sca- compile.xml:269: Java returned: 1 Check log file : /tmp/out.err for errors
A lot of times when compiling composites, the error returned on the prompt is not
descriptive enough. Additional information can be found in the automatically cre-
ated out.err file. This is located in /tmp/out.err in Linux/Unix based oper-
ating systems and C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Temp\out.err in
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