Database Reference
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Navigate to Configuration | Outbound Connection Pools | or-
acle.bam.adapter.adc.RMIConnectionFactory | eis/bam/rmi , which is the
JNDI location for the RMI connection factory.
Enter the values to connect to the BAM server in the Outbound Connection
Properties table such as HostName, PortName, InstanceName (default
is ADCServer1) , and BAM server connection credentials.
Press the Enter key after setting each value and click on Save .
Update the OracleBamAdapter deployment to persist these changes to
the deployment plan ( Plan.xml ) file in a new directory.
Click on Finish to finish updating the deployment for the Oracle BAM Ad-
The Oracle BAM Adapter uses either RMI or SOAP communication protocols
to connect to an Oracle BAM Server. You need to either configure the eis/
bam/rmi instance under the or-
acle.bam.adapter.adc.RMIConnectionFactory group for using RMI
protocol or configure eis/bam/soap under or-
acle.bam.adapter.adc.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory for SOAP com-
munication. Using the RMI connection protocol provides better performance as
the Oracle BAM Adapter internally invokes the active data cache Session Bean
interface via remote EJB call.
Configuring batching in Oracle BAM Adapter
By default, the Oracle BAM Adapter operates in a synchronous mode, or in other
words, the client thread blocks and waits for a response from the BAM Adapter
operations. If the Active Data Cache Server is down or unreachable, operations
are blocked until a JTA transaction timeout occurs.
To overcome this, it is recommended to enable Batching while using the BAM
Adapter. If Batching is enabled, the BAM Adapter operations are invoked asyn-
chronously, so that the client can continue processing in parallel while the BAM
Adapter continues to perform its operations. It becomes the adapter's respons-
ibility to handle batching operations, such as maintaining batch sizes, batch
queuing, implementing retries, and so on.
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