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Migrator wizard to extract these customizations in an XML file and then import
them into another server.
To move human workflow data from test to production environments, perform
the following steps:
Ensure that JAVA_HOME ( $MW_HOME/jdk160_21 ) and ANT_HOME
( $MW_HOME/modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.1 ) exist as environment
variables. Also ensure that the PATH environment variable contains bin dir-
ectories of both the JDK and ANT home (for example, $JAVA_HOME/bin-
andANT_HOME/bin) .
Open a command prompt or terminal and change the prompt to the
$MW_HOME/ORACLE_SOA1/bin directory.
Create a file in the bin directory to export user
metadata for the worklist application (for example, group rules, views,
mapped attribute mappings, and vacation rules) from the test environment.
The following code snippet is one such example of migra- that contains properties to export custom worklist views.
The connection and file location properties highlighted in the following snip-
pet need to be replaced with values corresponding to your environment:
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