Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Have look at the Notification Management dashboard and the result of testing
the e-mail driver configuration via the Send Test Notification button, shown in
the following screenshot. If the e-mail is sent successfully, a SENT response out-
put is shown immediately.
The Notification Management dashboard displays all notifications sent from
various components along with their delivery status and also gives an ability to
retry/resend undelivered notifications. You can select an individual outgoing no-
tification and click on the Resend button to resubmit it. Optionally, you can also
select a single notification column with Status as Failure and click on Resend
All Similar Notifications to resubmit all such kinds in one go.
The UMS queues that are used to store messages intermittently can be man-
aged from the WebLogic Server console by navigating to JMS Modules |
UMSJMSSystemResource . The database schema used to store UMS mes-
saging state is [PREFIX]_ORASDPM . Connect to this schema and execute the
following query to get a list of all UMS messages that are in the faulted state
along with the fault reason:
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