Database Reference
In-Depth Information
DLV_MESSAGE.ECID column of the
query performance when searching messages for a specific
ECID value.
Automatic message recovery in the BPEL Service Engine
The next logical thing for you to do as an administrator would be to automate the
fault recovery process. The BPEL Engine has some auto-recovery features that
are buried in an MBean property allowing recovery of messages either at the
time of restarting the SOA server or scheduling a recovery during off-peak hours.
Messages being recovered can be throttled by limiting the number of messages
picked up on each run. The RecoveryConfig configuration dashboard in Sys-
tem MBean Browser along with the property settings to schedule automatic re-
covery is shown in the next screenshot and the steps to configure the MBean
are as follows:
Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.
Right-click on soa-infra and navigate to SOA Infrastructure | SOA Admin-
istration | BPEL Properties | More BPEL Configuration Properties .
Click on the Recovery Config MBean.
The RecurringScheduleConfig MBean allows configuring a time window,
preferably non-peak production hours, wherein automatic recovery through
retry can be scheduled. The maxMessageRaiseSize property controls the
number of messages recovered in one go.
StartupScheduleConfig on the other hand instructs the engine to recover
faulted messages on server startup. The amount of time allocated by the en-
gine for recovery is determined by the startupRecoveryDuration property.
However, it is not always possible to recover everything automatically. Auto-re-
covery is subject to some conditions. Consider the following two scenarios:
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