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This is also the best way to handle individual faults needing recovery action,
providing a degree of fault recovery granularity not available elsewhere. The
icon indicates a fault being marked for manual recovery with any one of the
available Recovery Actions from the drop-down list:
Retry: This action immediately retries the instance from the point of failure.
Abort: Terminates the entire instance and marks the instance as Termin-
ated .
Replay: Replays again the entire scope activity in which the fault occurred.
Rethrow: Rethrows the fault and propagates it to BPEL fault handlers (that
is, catch branches). By default, all exceptions are caught by the fault man-
agement framework unless an explicit rethrow fault policy is provided.
Continue: Ignores the fault and continues processing (marks the faulted
activity as successful).
Managing BPEL component faults
The following screenshot shows a faulted instance of the OrderProcessing
BPEL component that failed due to a remote exception (endpoint unavailable)
and was marked as Recoverable . Once the target system is available, the fault
can be recovered by retrying it. The Retry Recovery Action will let the instance
retry and complete its execution. There is a certain limitation with this approach
as the recovery is limited to an individual faulted instance. As such bulk fault re-
coveries cannot be performed at this level.
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