Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Configuring and administering BPEL
Service Engine and components
The Oracle BPEL Service Engine is a container providing standards for assem-
bling, developing, and executing synchronous, as well as asynchronous, services
into end-to-end business processes in the SOA Infrastructure. When the soa-
infra application is started, it initializes the BPEL engine in a stateless manner
and loads composites from the MDS repository. If the composite contains any
BPEL components, it targets them to the BPEL engine. At runtime, the BPEL
engine waits for requests from different channels, such as messaging sources,
databases, and web services. It uses a Dispatcher Module that maintains an
in-memory logical queue containing units of work to process incoming messages
from these binding components. The BPEL Service Engine saves the process
execution state in the dehydration store through a persistence module based on
Oracle TopLink and hence there is no in-memory state replication required. The
Audit Framework continuously audits the work being processed by storing pro-
cess execution information in the database.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control allows you to perform
key administration tasks such as monitoring instances, recovering from faults,
manually recovering (BPEL) failed messages, and configuring properties for the
BPEL Service Engine. It also provides useful statistics and performance monitor-
ing metrics for the engine. A typical BPEL Engine Home landing page that can
be accessed by navigating to SOA Infrastructure | Service Engines | BPEL , is
shown in the following screenshot. Examine the page closely to notice that this
engine executes the OrderNotificationProcess and OrderProcessing compon-
ents that are both part of the OrderBookingComposite application and provides
a summarized view of all instances, components, and faults.
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