Database Reference
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completionPersistLevel: After an instance has completed its execu-
tion, it is persisted in two dehydration store tables named CUBE_INSTANCE
and CUBE_SCOPE . The CUBE_INSTANCE table stores the header inform-
ation of the instance, while CUBE_SCOPE stores the state of the instance.
By default, both tables are used to store information on a completed in-
stance. The completionPersistLevel can be used to fine tune what
part of the instance is used. The default value can be overridden with an
instanceHeader switch that will save only the header part of the instance.
completionPersistLevel can only be used when inMemoryOptimiz-
ation is set to be true .
completionPersistPolicy: completionPersistPolicy , as the
name implies, decides if the composite instance will be retained in the data-
base upon completion. However, it can only be used when inMemoryOp-
timization is set to be true . Override the default value of this property
to either off (no instance data saved) or faulted (only faulted instances
are saved) for significant performance.
Since transient processes do not save any information to the dehydration store,
setting inMemoryOptimization to true is useful for request-response style
processes, if no trace of the instance is needed afterwards. In another example,
to improve performance and reduce auditing, you may opt to persist only faul-
ted instances and their variable values by setting inMemoryOptimzation to
true, completionPersistPolicy to faulted , and completionPer-
sistLevel to all , as shown in the following snippet:
<BPELProcess src="YourProcess.bpel" id="YourProcess">
<property name="inMemoryOptimization">true</property>
<property name="completionPersistPolicy">faulted</property>
<property name="completionPersistLevel">all</property>
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