Databases Reference
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FIGURE 9.24 Sample pKa data sets.
Public Const origin_sheet_path$ =
"C:\Author\Books\Excel\Chapter 9\Samples\Origin\DDEFit.ogw"
Public Const excel_sheet_path$ = "C:\Author\Books\Excel\Chapter
The task ID is a unique number that identifies a running program in Windows. When a program
is started in VBA by utilizing the Shell command, a unique task ID is assigned to the program
VBA started. This task ID allows VBA to communicate with the program it started.
When a DDE conversation is initiated between two applications, the communications must take
place over a channel, much like people who choose to communicate over small two-way radios must
be on the same channel for communication to occur. When the DDE conversation is initiated, the channel
for communication to take place over is returned. The pKaDataBook is the Workbook that will hold
the pKa data and the fitted results. The declared constants are simply the paths to Origin, the DDEFit
Origin Worksheet, and the Excel sample data Workbook. These constants will need to be changed to
the paths specific to the machine they are running on. The following subroutine is run when the following
is selected from the Menu A DA->Chapter 9 ->Origin D DE Sample.
FIGURE 9.25 GUI for DDE fitting example.
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