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Sheets("QuizSort").Visible = False
Call CommentDropDn
(Range(Cells(12, 17),
Cells(LastRow("SampleReport.xls", "ClassGrades"), 17)))
End Sub
function is called once for every student in the report. The
function returns a single precision number truncated to two decimal places that represents the quiz
score for that student. In order to calculate the quiz score, however, the top three quiz scores must
be known. To accomplish this, the quiz scores are first copied to a hidden Worksheet named
“QuizSort.” The
Notice that the
subroutine then sorts all of the known quiz scores on the
“QuizSort” Worksheet (notice that this leaves the order of the Quizzes on the original report
unchanged.) The top three quiz scores are then taken from the “QuizSort” Worksheet and can be
used to calculate the quiz score for each student. Recall that, when using hidden Worksheets, they
must be made visible to select ranges and perform operations upon them.
Function CalcQuizScore(ByVal wkbook, ByVal wksht, ByVal
startcol As Integer _
, ByVal endcol As Integer, ByVal row As Long) As Single
Call CopyBlockTo(ActiveWorkbook.Name, "ClassGrades", row,
startcol, row, endcol, _
ActiveWorkbook.Name, "QuizSort", row, startcol)
Call HorizontalSort
(wkbook, "QuizSort", startcol, endcol, row,
CalcQuizScore =
endcol).Value + _
endcol - 1).Value + _
endcol - 2).Value) / 3
'Truncate to 2 digits
CalcQuizScore = Format(CalcQuizScore, "###.00")
End Function
Sub HorizontalSort(ByVal wkbook, ByVal wksht, ByVal startcol
As Integer _
, ByVal endcol As Integer, ByVal row As Long, SortAscending
As Boolean)
Dim Order
'Select Workbook and Worksheet
ActivateWorkbook (wkbook)
Range(Cells(row, startcol), Cells(row, endcol)).Select
If SortAscending = True Then Order = xlAscending Else Order
= xlDescending
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