Databases Reference
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trowptr = trowptr + 1 'Only Increment this pointer with
Copy or Move Event
Select Case CopyMoveButton.Caption
Case "Move"
Debug.Print "Move to Sheet: "; CopyToSheet
Call MoveRow (frowptr, CopyFromSheet, CopyFromBook,
trowptr, CopyToSheet, CopyToBook, True, True)
frowptr = frowptr - 1 'Decrement this pointer as
row was deleted after move!
Case "Copy"
Debug.Print "Copy to Sheet: "; CopyToSheet
Call CopyRow (row, CopyFromSheet, CopyFromBook,
trowptr, CopyToSheet, CopyToBook, True)
End Select
End If
Next row
End Sub
This subroutine has the usual error-checking mechanisms to make sure that the user selected
the items necessary for the subroutine to function. It is the looping mechanism that accomplishes
the copying and moving of the data; this is of particular interest. Notice that two pointers are
utilized to designate the following: the row that the information is to be copied from, and the row
that the information is to be moved to.
The frowptr (from row pointer) variable is utilized to point to the row from which the data
will be copied or moved. The trowptr (to row pointer) variable is utilized to point to the row
where the data will be placed after being copied or moved.
Two pointers are required for the following reasons. Information will not be copied or moved
unless it meets the specified criteria. Therefore, the row in which information is copied from on
one sheet will not necessarily be the row it is pasted to on the destination sheet. Notice that the
trowptr is only incremented immediately prior to a copy or move action on the part of the
subroutine. The trowptr (to row pointer) will attain a maximum value equal to the number of rows
copied from the source Worksheet.
A further complication exists when trying to move the data. Because the information is first
copied on the source sheet and then deleted on it (shifting the rows up), the row from which
information should be copied or moved from will not necessarily be the same as the loop index.
Notice that the frowptr (from row pointer) is always incremented at the start of each loop. In
the case of simply copying the data, if it meets a certain condition, the frowptr value will match
that of the loop index. In the case of moving the data, however, each time a row of data is deleted
and removed from the source sheet, the frowptr value must be decremented by one. The reason
for this is that, when a row of data is deleted, the next row of data shifts upward to fill the void
left when the row was deleted. As soon as this occurs, the next row to be analyzed or possibly
moved is now one less than the loop counter. After this occurs twice, the next row to be analyzed
or possibly moved is now two less than the loop counter, and so on. The frowptr (from row
pointer) is in a constant state of self adjustment, adjusting its value downward to compensate for
data shifting upward when a row is moved from the source Worksheet to the destination Worksheet.
Two subroutines are actually responsible for moving or copying a row of data. The CopyRow
subroutine will copy a row of information from any Worksheet in any Workbook to any Worksheet
in any Workbook. Notice the Boolean passed parameter PreserveFormatting , which allows
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