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FIGURE 5.6 How to export a form in VBA.
change the name of the file with the *.frx extension to the new form (and file) name (Example:
Once this process has been completed, essentially a carbon copy of the old form was created
that has the new form name. This form can now be imported into any project by selecting the
project in the Project Explorer (click on the area where the form is to be imported/located) where
the form is to be imported to. Now select from the Menu File->Import File and choose either VB
Files or Form Files from the drop-down menu. If the form does not import correctly, chances are
that one of the following mistakes was made:
The *.frm file was not saved as type text from a generic text editor such as Notepad or
WordPad. Do not use Word or WordPerfect to edit this file.
The *.frx file did not have its name changed to the new form name.
Both files (.frm, *.frx) were not located in the same directory when imported.
The samples given in this chapter make extensive use of the RefEdit control. The RefEdit control is
shown in Figure 5.7. The RefEdit control is utilized to allow the user of an application to select a
cell or a range of cells. It is the only control available within Excel to accomplish this task. Unfor-
tunately, some very nasty bugs exist within the RefEdit control that Microsoft has known about for
years that they have chosen not to fix. During the time frame this text was written, these bugs were
not documented in Microsoft's online knowledgebase but were present in Microsoft's bug database.
An application has been constructed that illustrates many of the bugs present within the RefEdit
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